There was a music performer stand for quite a long time at subway station of Washington DC. The weather was cold. He performed non-stop for 45 minutes. Started from Bach, Schubert, Manuel Ponce, Massenet and Bach again.
That time was around 8am, and thousand and thousand of office workers walked here and there.
Three minutes later, a middle age guy found out the violinist was performing, he slowed down his steps, stopped for a few seconds, and then moved forward again.
Another minute later, the violinist got his first note; a lady dropped US$1 but she never stopped to listen the music. A few minutes later, a passerby listened the performance and walked away after realised he was going to late.
Only a three years old child interested towards the violinist. Although his mother insisted to bring him away, but he still stopped to listen. Finally the mother moved him away too and the child still kept on looked back the violinist.
Along the 45 minutes performance , there was only 7 peoples stop for him! He earned US$32.
Nobody applaused for him, there was only one people found him among thousand peoples.
He performed the hardest music and the violin that he used was made by Italy famous family at 1713 which cost US$35 millions!!!

Two days before he performed in front of subway station, the show he performed in Boston were full house even the ticket was expensive!
The moral of the story is
If we do not have time to stop and listen the best music played by the best performer in the world, we will definitely missed out lots of the niceness in our life!!!

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